How were slaves Treated in Hispaniola
The slave life for Hispaniola now known as saint Domingue were very hard for the tainos. In 1492 Columbus arrived on the Bahamian island of guanahani (San Salvador) in 1942 Columbus encountered the tainos people whom he described "naked as the day they were born"in his letters.The tainos were treated terrible they were kidnapped,raped,dogs set to kill infants as well as tortured and outright murdered. According to Columbus journal he used the tainos to find gold and that was the only reason you were nice to the tainos on your first trip and then on your second voyage you had 500 tainos shipped Spain as slaves.This caused tainos to be killed and by 1542 there were only 200 tainos.This later caused The death rates of Caribbean slaves were higher than babies especially in Hispaniola caused a-lot of tensions and slave rebellion in Europe
Resistance to slavery
By the middle of the 18th century, poor treatment of slaves such as beaten and raped and more caused anti-slave groups and campaigns to form.Death rates for slaves especially Caribbean were gradually increasing due to the harsh conditions slaves endured which caused led to increasing numbers of slave revolts and campaigns against slavery in Europe.In colonizing countries anti-slavery groups were starting to form towards the end
of 18th century. Abolonist groups such as The Abolition of the Slave Trade in Paris, France and Amis des Noirs and more Abolonist groups worked closely with people in Santa-domingue to receive money so they could purchase weapons. They also meet several people from Amis des noirs to push cause for emancipation in Paris.This later helped because on august 29,1793 Santa-domingue was declared emancipation by French commissioner Léger Félicité Sonthonax.

Sources Used
“Slavery in Saint-Domingue.” Slavery in Saint-Domingue - TLP, 8 Jan. 2010, 18:52, thelouvertureproject.org/index.php?title=Slavery_in_Saint-Domingue.
Christopher, et al. “Exploring the Early Americas Columbus and the Taíno.” Columbus and the Taíno - Exploring the Early Americas | Exhibitions - Library of Congress, 12 Dec. 2007, www.loc.gov/exhibits/exploring-the-early-americas/columbus-and-the-taino.html.